Friday, July 28, 2017

Day 17

Today I wrote the rest of the code for our Point-Spread Function; I created logical arrays, describing where there were certain points that fell between 100 and 220 in the signal to noise range. The logical array consists of ones and zeroes, with a one representing a value within our desired range, and a zero, a value outside it. By multiplying this logical array against the array of intensity values in the image, all points that didn't fit the range were removed, as they were multiplied by 0, while the others were just multiplied by 1, remaining the same. Then by dividing each new image by its own length of exposure, the data was normalized to all be read in counts per second. Taking the average of these normalized datasets produced the image of our Point-Spread Function.

We also took our sheets of what we thought were acrylic over to "The Construct" so that we could laser cut them to be 3/4" shorter. Unfortunately Lexan is actually a type of polycarbonate, not acrylic, which we only discovered after lightly burning the first sheet. So tomorrow we're going to have to find another way to cut it, because polycarbonate, as you may have guessed, isn't compatible with the laser cutter.

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