Today I wrote and finished the code which will allow us to automate photo acquisition. This code will be incredibly useful, as it allows us to take many frames for each exposure time and to average them, eliminating background noise in the data. With this code, we can take, say, 20 frames for each of the 13 exposures, giving us 260 images, which would be far too many to take by hand. Furthermore, we will need to perform this test with various exposure times, several times over, covering our sensor with different thicknesses of glass to simulate a window across it (as there must be for our Kepler sensor, which is held in a vacuum-sealed chamber).
After completing this first code, I began writing a secondary code, which will (once it is up and running) read in all our data from a given set, and save the image files, creating objects which we can alter, view, and analyse in whichever ways we want. The secondary code is nearly done now; I just need to debug a few lines and everything should be working fine.
Peter and Ashley managed to cut the sheets of polycarbonate for the ceiling today. We put one panel in to check, and it fits now, which is great, but unfortunately, our cleanroom won't be able to get any power for quite a while. We won't be able to use it until we're approved to hardwire it into the wall, which they've warned us will be quite a long process.
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